A. W. TOZER died 60 years ago – on May 12, 1963

Aiden Wilson Tozer loved God. He spent his life helping others to love and pursue God. Although he never finished high school nor attended college, Tozer became an avid reader and a prolific writer. His articles and books draw readers to better understand God and to know Him more intimately.

His family moved to Akron, Ohio when he was 17. One day, walking home from work, he heard a street preacher. He couldn’t get the preacher’s suggested prayer—“Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner,”—out of his thoughts. Tozer went home and prayed for the Lord’s mercy.

He devoted himself to Bible reading and telling others about Jesus. The Christian and Missionary Alliance gave him a church to pastor. Tozer pursued God through prayer and through reading and meditating on Christian authors of the past. He then preached the truths he’d learned in his prayer closet and his study.

One night during a train ride, he felt burdened for people to know God. On the train, he wrote “The Pursuit of God.” Early in the book, he states, “To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul’s paradox of love.” His other most popular title is “The Knowledge of the Holy.” In 1953, he assumed editorship of his denomination’s publication, “The Alliance Witness” which he held until his death in 1963.

Here are four other Tozer quotes—

“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

“In every generation the number of the righteous is small. Be sure you are among them.”

“The will is the automatic pilot that keeps the soul on course.”

“He (God) does not keep office hours nor set aside periods when He will see no one.”

“Trust God in the dark until the light returns.”

“True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie.”

Christian singer, Lauren Barlow, of the group BarlowGirl, wrote a book about Tozer. Inside “Inspired by Tozer,” 59 singers and authors tell how his writings drew them closer to God.

His tombstone in Akron, Ohio, says, “A.W. Tozer – A man of God.”


About William E. Richardson

I'm married to a wonderful woman named Deb. We're the parents of a son and daughter who bring great joy to our lives. I currently pastor the Assembly of God church in Afton, Iowa.
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